I am always doing research on COVID-19, to stay informed for my patients and my health. Here is some interesting points about why some might be asymptomatic while they are experiencing this problematic contagion.
T-Cells: T-cells, a type of white blood cell that generally provides longer-lasting immunity than antibodies,. Some people may have increased T-cells, left over from successfully fighting other corona viruses.
Vaccines: Seven types of vaccines given one, two, or five years in the past were found to be associated with a lower rate of coronavirus infection, particularly pneumonia and polio vaccines. Other studies found that a recent tri-valent flu vaccine may have reduced the harmful effects of contracting COVID.
Allergies: Scientists have noted children with asthma and allergies surprisingly don't seem to be at high-risk of developing serious cases of COVID-19. One theory is that those children have a reduced number of ACE2 receptors, the protein the virus latches onto before replicating inside the body. Without those receptors, the virus' chance of causing damage could decrease; meaning allergies may offer protection in this case.
Masks: Masks may contribute to more mild infections, as well. This may relate to density of dosage acquired in contact with someone who has COVID.
In addition, studies are showing that not all masks are equal. The best masks are those that are made of 2-3 layers of different cloth that are well fitting. For highly susceptible people, there is no better solution than social distancing and isolation.
Vitamin D: Scientists are also seeing that those patients who are severely affected may be very low in Vitamin D. While sunshine is one provider of Vitamin D, it is increasingly effective as a source as the skin ages. Liquid Vitamin D3/ Vitamin K2 emulsion is a good source for enhancing the effect on the immune system. Since Vitamin D is a fat soluable vitamin, supplying it as an emulsion allows for greater absorption.
Liquid Zinc is also a powerful block to the coronavirus replication. A 2010 study led by University of Leiden Medical researchers in the Netherlands sought to understand how zinc throws a wrench in the virus’s RNA-synthesis machine.